Thursday, December 2, 2010

Iguazú Falls

Iguazú Falls are located in the northeastern corner of Argentina, right at borders with Brasil and Paraguay. It's a tropical jungle here: hot, muggy, and prone to sudden and massive downpours. The downpour last night was so strong that a passing motorcycle stalled out.

Here are a bunch of pics and videos. Hopefully they give you a sense of the place. It's on the short list of the new seven natural wonders of the world.

First look:

Panarama view from the Lower Circuit trail:

We took a boat ride that went up the main channel towards the Devil's Throat, and around San Martin island to San Martin falls. We were beyond soaked by the end.

The Devil's Throat -- the biggest of the falls -- is barely visible from water level due to the mist. Just wait until we get to the overlook...

Finally, we took the long walk to Devil's Throat. Here's a shot as we get close to the falls.

No commentary for the final video -- I think you'll hear why.

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