Saturday, January 3, 2009

All is well... except wireless

Greetings and apologies to our legions of loyal followers for such sporadic updates of our travels Down Under. My laptop is having a heckuva a time holding wireless connections when we get them, and they can get pretty pricey (last place was $.50 a minute!). We should have brought a thumb drive to transfer pics from the laptop to whatever machines we get access too. Trust me, I have half a dozen posts with tons of pictures just trapped on the laptop! We arrived in Cairns (pronouced cans) this morning -- beach town in the northeast with easy access to the Great Barrier Reef. It's hot as advertised -- above 30. Go ahead, do the conversion. I'll wait. (30 x 9/5 + 32). We sail and snorkel at the Reef tomorrow and I'll do my first scuba dive in 20 years. More soon! Maybe with pictures! Or...?

1 comment:

  1. I was told there wouldn't be math.

    Thanks for the updates - what a great trip!
