Monday, December 22, 2008

Day 1 in Sydney

Leena went for accomodations with a view. Check the window shot. Score. We're in the Potts Point section of Sydney.

We didn't get a Holiday card out this year, so here you go... Happy Holidays!

We walked through the Royal Bottanical Gardens to the Opera House and caught the 01:00 ferry to Manly beach without a minute to spare. Snapped this one from the ferry.

We enjoyed a drink at the Fountain Cafe in the early evening.

Leena wonders: "How is the Aussie Chardonnay?" (Yum.)

We mastered boiling water in the Southern hemisphere and enjoyed dinner with our lovely view. We forced ourselves to stay up until 21:00 before glorious sleep...


  1. glad you guys made it out! probably just in time- we've gotten at least a foot of snow at our place and still haven't left for nevada yet! (hopefully tomorrow morning . . . )

    great to see the pics- have a fabulous time!

  2. I just discovered your blog via Facebook...and you are in Sydney!!! How awesome. I am glad to know this is here so I can keep up with your adventures. Sounds like you got out of town just in time. Merry Christmas!

  3. Looks like you're having a blast!!!! We got stranded in NYC for the whole week due to the snow/ice that hit first NYC then PDX so we just got back on Christmas :)
